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 1. Castlevania- Jorge Fuentes  Room of Close Associates  Castlevania 4, Super 
 2. Rob Nokes  Hockey,Practice,Distant,Dressing Room POV - some close dressing room activity  Sounddogs.com 
 3. Ringler Associates  Ringler Associates On The Web  (c) www.LegalTalkNetwork.com 
 4. Jack Boyer  Boyer & Associates - Portals  Best Accounting Practices Podcast 
 5. Jack Boyer  Boyer & Associates - Portals  Best Accounting Practices Podcast 
 6. Ringler Associates  Ringler Associates Roundtable  (c) www.LegalTalkNetwork.com 
 7. Mark Steinberg and Trevor Hindson  The Hill Associates Week In Telecom Eppisode 28 November 2006, Come on FCC, we are waiting.  Hill Associates 
 8. Ambience 14000  Room Tone Medium Utility Room Pulsing Low End With Muted Fan Blade Chopping  Sounddogs.com 
 9. Ambience 14000  Room Tone Large Conference Room Slight Ventilation Rumble And Light Buzz  Sounddogs.com 
 10. Program narration:Denise Manzari~Segment producers:Melinda Tuhus~Executive Producer:Scott Harris~Music:Mikata  BETWEEN THE LINES Right Wing Organizing Around Health Care Reform Debate Chip Berlet, senior associate at Political Research Associates Producer: Scott Harris   
 11. Ambience 14000  Room Tone Small Conference Room Slight Ventilation  Sounddogs.com 
 12. Download Sound Effects - SoundDogs - Sound Hog  (��d Effects - Frogs,Jungle,Close,Creepy - Active frogs from close perspective. Lots of variety and good insect walla. Lanquin, Guatemala.  http://www.Sounddogs.com 
 13. Blueshift  A Room Seen Through Venetian Blinds At Night - Part 2: The Room   
 14. bounceberry.org  War Room, Hall of Mirrors, Peace Room  Bounceberry Versailles Tour 
 15. Strategic News Service, LLC.  The Japan-China Relationship: Economic Key to the Next Five Years?: A panel discussion with Sidney Rittenberg, Rittenberg & Associates; and Bob Hormats, Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; hos  2006 Future In Review (FiRe) Conference Mediacast 
 16. Pastor Tom Fuller - Living Waters Christian Fellowship Calvary Chapel Newberg  Joshua 20-21- Make Room for Mercy - Make Room for God - 2007-032  Joshua 20-21 
 17. Jon McLaughin  So Close   
 18. Joe  No One else Comes Close  All That I Am   
 19. Jay Delano  Close To You   
 20. John Butler Trio  Close To You   
 21. Henry Elsesser  So Close To God  Henry 
 22. Night Vandals  as close as we get  KVRX 
 23. Isaac Hayes  Close To You  Black Moses  
 24. Last Days of April  Too Close  Ascend to the Stars [Bonus Video]  
 25. DJ Bounce  Close To You     
 26. The Greater Bostonians  Close to You  If We Only Have Love 
 27. the alpha conspiracy  close  aura ep  
 28. Elope  Not Even Close  3WD 
 29. Matt Harding  Close  Expectation  
 30. Blisaed  This Is As Close As You'll Get  Feelings In General 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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